Rate Includes
- Accommodations for up to 10
- Transfers to and from the San Pedro Airstrip
- Housekeeping and laundry services
- House Caretaker/groundskeeper
- Chef Services for up to 2 meals per day for registered guests, served family style. (food costs not included)
- Morning Coffee, tea and juice (limited)
- Bath amenities
- Use of sporting goods including tennis rackets and balls, basketballs, fishing rods, kayak, paddleboards, pool table, table-top tennis/ping pong balls and paddles and pool floats.
Rates are in U.S. dollars and subject to change until reservation has been confirmed.
Rates do not include 9% Tax
A deposit of one night stay is required to secure a reservation.
The balance is due one month prior to check in.
Also Available
- Flight reservations from Belize International Airport to San Pedro (recommended)
- Golf Cart Rental services (recommended)
- Excursion arrangements
- Meals for guests over 10 at $15 each
- Formal plating of meals (charges may apply)
- Crib, high chair, beach and pool toys for children
- Additional Twin bed (charges may apply)
Cancellations: All payments are non-refundable.
Payments may be put towards future reservations with manager approval.